

Order by MAIL:
Mail orders can be placed with credit card, check, or money order made out to "Knightwares" (will ship after personal or business check has cleared). We ship via USPS or FedEx Ground - U.S. orders only. When mailing an order, please e-mail us first to make sure that the items are available and to get shipping/handling charges. For more than 10 items, please put other items below after "additional instructions." Print out and then mail the completed form to:
Horsies.com aka Knightwares
344 C. R. 405
Athens, TN 37303-6534

Item Description Color/Size Unit Cost Quantity Total
Merchandise Total
Shipping/Handling Charge $10.00 to $15.00 - Email if you don't know correct amount.
Tennessee residents add 9% sales tax
Shipping Address - please be sure it is accurate. If redelivery is required, you will be responsible for charges incurred. SHIP TO:
Zip Code
Phone(Required for FedEx deliveries)

Bill My: * VISA Master Card Check
* Account Number
* Card ID Number (last 3 digits from back of card)
* Expiration Date (mm/yyyy) /
* Your Name
* Name on Credit Card
* Card Billing Address (must match address of bank record)
* City
* State
* Zip Code
* Email - please be precise so we can reach you
* Required to Process Your Order

Additional Instructions