VIN185 Arabian Horse (Male)
3-7/8" High - $20.00 discontinued model 13248 8 left | VIN186 Arabian Foal 3" High - $15.00 discontinued model 13276 5 left |
VIN195 Heavy Draft Horse (Male)
3-5/8" High - $20.00 discontinued model 13244 4 left |
VIN200 Shire Horse (Male)
4-1/2" High - $25.00 discontinued model 13247 5 left |
VIN194 Chestnut Mare
4-1/4" High - $20.00 discontinued model 13253 6 left |
VIN187 Paint Horse (Male)
3-7/8" High - $20.00 discontinued model 13241 10 left |
VIN181 Trakhener Mare
4-1/8" High - $20.00 discontinued model 13261 11 left |
VIN205 Tinker Mare
and Tinker Foal Mare 3-3/4" High - Foal 3-1/8" High - $35.00 discontinued model 13279 abd 13285 5 left |
VIN180 Friesian Mare
4-1/4" High - $20.00 discontinued model 132604 5 left |
VIN183 Hanoverian Mare
4" High - $20.00 model 13296 5 left |
VIN193 Quarter Horse Mare
.. 3-1/2" High - $25.00 discontinued model 13251 6 left |
VIN190 Holsteiner Mare
3-5/8" High - $25.00 discontinued model 13262 4 left |
VIN191 Holsteiner Foal
2-7/8" High - $15.00 discontinued model 13263 2 left |
VIN179 Lippizaner Mare and Lippizaner Foal Mare 4" High - Foal 3" High - $30.00 discontinued model 13603 and 13294 - 5 left |
VIN188 Lippizaner Horse (Male)
4" High - $20.00 discontinued model 13293 4 left |
VIN184 Andalusian (Male) 3-3/4" High - $16.00 discontinued model 13607 5 left |
VIN198 Icelandic Pony (Male)
3-1/4" High - $25.00 discontinued model 13274 5 left |
VIN182 Haflinger Pony Mare 3-1/2" High - $25.00 model 13606 5 left |
VIN196 Haflinger Pony (Male)
3-1/2" High - $25.00 model 13280 10 left |
VIN199 Shetland Pony Mare and Shetland Pony Foal Mare 2-1/2" High - Foal 2-1/4" High - $35.00 discontinued model 13297 and 13608 5 left |
VIN204 Falabella 2-1/4" High - $16.00 discontinued model 13278 5 left |
VIN192 Morgan Horse (Male)
4-7/8" High - $20.00 discontinued model 13235 13 left |
VIN203 Schleich camel
3-1/4" High - $35.00 discontinued model 14348 3 left |
VIN214 Schleich dromedary Dromedary 3-1/2" High - Dromedary Foal 2-3/4" High - $50.00 discontinued model 14355 and 14356 5 left |
VIN197 Schleich Dragon 5-1/4" high 7" wide 5-1/2" long - $35.00 discontinued model 70033 5 left |